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Honeyville AquaPail 400

Honeyville AquaPail 400

Honeyville AquaPail 400
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Honeyville AquaPail 400

Disasternecessities presents the great tasting, high quality, low price, Honeyville Long Term Food Storage

Aquapails are a portable water filtration device designed to take any contaminated water and convert it into safe, bacteria-free drinking water. In any survival situation, obtaining clean, drinkable water can be the difference between life and death. This mobile water filter can clean a gallon worth in just 5 minutes, providing safe consumable water all while being environmentally friendly. Simply pour any water onto the lid reservoir and the water will seep through the various levels of purifying media and drain out the bottom into the clean water receptacle. If theres any debris on the lid, simply unscrew the lid and rinse it off.

The 400 version filters up to 400 gallons while the 1000 version filters up to 1,000 gallons worth of dirty water from rivers, streams, lakes or reservoirs. The AquaPail exceeds EPA and WHO water safety standards by removing harmful toxins including bacteria, viral pathogens, heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, radiation, tannins and other harmful water pollutants. Since the shelf life is 50 years or more, you can always rely on your AquaPail to have fresh, drinkable water in any given situation. Buy today and have reliable clean water as part of your emergency supplies.

Shelf Life: The AquaPails last 50 years or more when stored properly in a container or storage unit.

Uses: Use these pails to filter your dirty water into clean, drinkable water. The AquaPail 400 filters up to 400 gallons and the AquaPail 1000 filters up to 1,000 gallons; does not work filtering salt water.

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