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Honeyville Oxygen Absorbers - 300CC (medium) - 100 count
Honeyville Oxygen Absorbers - 300CC - 100 countDisasternecessities presents the great tasting, high quality, low price, Honeyville Long Term Food Storage Honeyville's Oxygen Absorbers add longevity to your food storage items. Oxygen absorbers greatly extend the shelf life and freshness of properly canned and sealed air-tight items. They are used in the food service industry to preserve foods like beef jerky, nuts, grains, flours and dried foods. Simply place the little packets on top of your items and they will begin working automatically. Plan to use your oxygen absorbers within 6 months of purchase as they will lose effectiveness after that time. They will start working within 20 minutes of being exposed to oxygen. If left exposed to air, the oxygen absorbers will be rendered completely useless in as little as 5 hours. Plan ahead and use all of the absorbers or seal the remaining packets in an airtight glass mason jar. The 300CC Oxygen Absorbers work for about 100 #10-sized cans or 33 of the 5 gallon buckets filled with beans, rice, flours, grains or whatever you choose. Shelf-Life: Oxygen Absorbers unopened will last up to 6 months. Any unused absorbers after opening should be put in a glass mason jar. Uses: Oxygen Absorbers can be used in airtight containers to greatly extend the shelf life of your products from grains and rice to dried produce and meats. Packaging: Oxygen absorbers come in 3 sizes and each size has a different amount of packets. The 100CC comes in a pack of 200 count, the 300CC comes in a pack of 100 count, and the 500CC comes in a pack of 75. Allergen information: This product does not contain any allergens. The DisasterNecessities name provides you protection, safety, and security with dedicated customer service. See Also
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