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Quakekare Emergency Ready Bloodborne Pathogen Kit for CPR

Quakekare Emergency Ready Bloodborne Pathogen Kit for CPR

Quakekare Emergency Ready Bloodborne Pathogen Kit for CPR
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Quakekare Emergency Ready Bloodborne Pathogen Kit for CPR

This emergency CPR and bloodborne pathogen kit offers protection from bleeding victims while administering CPR and first aid.

The ER™ EMERGENCY READY CPR Bloodborne Pathogen Kit contains protective supplies for anyone who needs to adminster CPR or emergency first aid to bleeding victims.

This kit protects first responders and medical personnel from blood borne pathogens and body fluids that might result in HIV, hepatitis, and other deadly diseases.

Included in the kit are a CPR mask, protective gown, biohazard bag, face mask with eye shield, and a pair of vinyl gloves to protect rescuers.

This kit is recommended for use with the ER™ Trauma Central Supply Kit.

Emergency Survival Pack

Emergency Survival Kit

As Recommended By
US Dep't of Homeland Security

With 5-year Shelf-life Food & Water

Approved By
United States Coast Guard
Approval #s: 160.046/28/0 & 160.026/73/0
Meets International Coast Guard
& SOLAS 7483 Requirements
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