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Auto Emergency Kit

Auto Emergency Kit

Auto Emergency Kit
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If you've already got the supplies you need to deal with an auto breakdown, this Auto Emergency Kit is a great addition to supply your car with the necessary emergency preparedness items. Each Auto Emergency kit will sustain one adult for 72 hours, or 3 adults for one day with a basic supply of food, water, light, shelter, first aid, and warmth. If your travels take you off the beaten path, you'll appreciate the extra peace of mind this Auto Emergency kit offers.

  • 1 hard case
  • 1 3600-calorie food bar
  • 1 emergency poncho
  • 1 emergency sleeping bag
  • 3 aqua blox (8.45 oz. each)
  • 2 12-hour light sticks
  • 1 pocket first aid kit
  • 1 100-hour emergency candle
  • 1 box of waterproof matches
  • 3 18-hour hand & body warmers
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Emergency Products and Food Supplies
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Phone: 435-503-4169

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