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Emergency Essentials Coghlan Flat-Fold Stove Combo

Emergency Essentials Coghlan Flat-Fold Stove Combo

Emergency Essentials Coghlan Flat-Fold Stove Combo
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Emergency Essentials Flat-Fold Stove Combo

The Flat-Fold Stove is a convenient accessory for emergencies, power outages, and camping. Since it folds flat, it won't take up a lot of room in your 72-hour kit and camping supplies. The stove's fuel is free of toxic fumes and is biodegradeable. The Flat-Fold Stove Combo comes with two cans of fuel, which features a dual-temperature lid that lets you control the heat for up to five hours of cooking (400°F), or 10 hours of warmth.
1 Stove and 2 Fuel Canisters.
Weight 2.6 lb
Price $14.50
Qty Not available in the current price set.

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Emergency Products and Food Supplies
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Phone: 435-503-4169

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