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Quakekare Mask for CPR

Quakekare Mask for CPR

Quakekare Mask for CPR
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Quakekare Mask for CPR

This safe, effect mask gives you protection from a victim's blood.

The CPR Life Mask Face Shield effective and easy-to-use protection in the event you need to provide mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It provides a large, clear vinyl shield and infection barrier for performing artificial respiration (breathing) as part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Designed to protect the rescuer and the victim while aiding in the administration of the proper CPR technique, it conforms easily to facial contours. It is also dual-sided for increased effectiveness and comes with the viral and bacterial filter providing superior protection to both rescuer and victim.

Other features include a positive one-way valve inside the airway to provide maximum protection of the first responder and a bite-block to assist in keeping an open airway. This CPR mask and face shield can also be used on infants as well as small children. Keep one of these you no matter where you go - you may save a life or somebody may save yours!

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