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Emergency Zone HeatStore Reflective Blanket
Emergency Zone HeatStore Reflective BlanketDon’t get caught in an emergency without being prepared! Disasternecessities presents the high quality, low price Emergency Zone HeatStore Reflective Blanket that provides you with protection, safety, and security. Why purchase a HeatStore blanket over a standard reflective blanket? Here are three big reasons. 1. Durability. If even a small tear occurred with a standard reflective blanket, there is little resistance to the propagation of the tear across the entire length of the blanket. A blanket torn in half will not do much to save your life. Our NEW blanket uses a layer of aluminumized PVC bonded to a layer of thin non woven nylon fibers. The blanket remains very thin and lightweight, but more resistant to punctures and more importantly, the propagation of tears. The edges are reinforced with the same multilayer material for added strength. 2. Heat Absorption. Standard blankets are reflective on both sides. While the standard reflective blanket reflects heat from the body back towards the body, the outside is also reflective and reflects heat from the sun away from the body too. Our multilayer blanket will absorb more heat from the environment rather than reflecting it away. 3. Visibility. The orange outer layer is visible from long distances and contracts with snow and trees. LOW PRICE GUARANTEE! WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!
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