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MRE Applesauce with Raspberry Puree

MRE Applesauce with Raspberry Puree

MRE Applesauce with Raspberry Puree
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MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) Applesauce with Raspberry Puree

A delicious twist on a traditional favorite! This is an applesauce with a tart, yet sweet, raspberry kick. Enjoy the scrumptious combination of applesauce and raspberries. The MRE Side Applesauce with Raspberry Puree will be a refreshing lift to your family during an emergency. It packs all the benefits of MREs; it’s lightweight, long-lasting, optimized for nutrition and energy, and convenient. The MRE Side Applesauce with Raspberry Puree is a tasty option for your food storage, emergency supplies, outdoor adventure kit, and even for a quick snack at home.

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