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Honeyville Whole Flax Seeds 5 LB
Honeyville Whole Flax Seeds 5 LBDisasternecessities presents the great tasting, high quality, low price, Honeyville Long Term Food Storage Honeyville's Whole Flax seeds are an excellent nutritional food source. Flax seeds are one of the truly perfect foods. They contain high levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Omega three essential fatty acids are known to improve overall cellular health. The ground flax seed coat is the "Cadillac" of soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract and reduces cholesterol. Flax mucilage absorbs starch, resulting in lower blood glucose and insulin. With high fiber content and a low relative carb count, flax seeds are a great addition to low carbohydrate diets in the form of flax muffins, breads, and various other recipes utilizing flax seeds or ground flax meal. Honeyville Whole Flax Seeds are an ideal product for your cooking and baking needs. Shelf-Life: Whole Flax Seeds will store for 1 year in a sealed 5 pound bag under ideal storage conditions (cool, dry place). Uses: Baking and cooking in products like muffins, breads, cookies, bagels and more. Packaging: available in both a 5 pound bag and a 50 pound bag. Ingredients: Whole Flax Seeds. Allergen information: This product does not contain any allergens. The DisasterNecessities name provides you protection, safety, and security with dedicated customer service.
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